Alchemical Elixir of the Anunnaki
Product Information
Alchemical Elixir of the Anunnaki Product Information
Take in the morning as it may make you feel too energized for sleep. Ensure to nurture your body with extra vitamins, as the starfire gold will begin to help your body build and repair on a cellular level.
Please note you may notice a strong effect at first and it may seem that it flattens out but that is not the case. It is normal to only notice the change in your body, after you’ve noticed the effect, the sensation of change may feel “flat” yet it is still doing its job having an accumulative effect. You can also slowly up your dosage after a few weeks by gently increasing or by adding an additional dose later in the day or trying a different variety.
Shake liquids well before using. Start conservatively with 4-6 drops or ¼-1/2 tsp in the morning. For powders start small with 1/10 tsp to 1/8 tsp. You can slowly increase the liquid or powder amount until you notice the effect by increasing the dosage or repeating mid-day. Some people take a lot, some people take very little. How much is right for you must be determined by you. You can take your dose in an acidic beverage such as orange juice or other citrus juices, coffee or even “emergen-C”. Why? This helps release the m-state by breaking the magnesium it is contained in.
Please note if you find yourself feeling grumpy or too drawn towards isolation with books drawn across your bed you may be experiencing what the ancients referred to as Hermeticism. Consider backing off your dose or stop taking it until you feel normal again. Some signs can be grumpiness, visual distortion or intense and obsessive thinking.
Store in an EMF free area, away from TV’s microwaves and computers as well as blenders, motors and electronic stoves. Store in a cool dark place, like a cabinet or metal tin. The Spagyric formula must be refrigerated. All other forms need a dark and quiet place.
Consider addition supplements or taking a multi-vitamin minimally to help your body repair as the ORMES often repairs cells.
Some people “charge” their ORMES by placing it near crystals or other sacred spaces. Some place it in a pyramid. This is fun and up to you. It is said to “program” your ORMES to keep that “vibe” unless it picks up a “vibe” from elsewhere. The ORMES is feminine in nature so it will receive light and respond. Another way is to imprint sounds via the solfeggio frequencies, these seem to have an astoundingly positive effect, especially in liquid forms. Think of Masaru Emoto.
What is SFG?
Starfire Gold also known as ORMES - Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements. Starfire gold is an alchemical substance that was used by the Anunnaki to prolong their lives by preventing their telomeres from deteriorating. Gerald Clark writes about it in his book The Anunnaki of Nibiru.
Starfire gold is known to provide mental clarity, it works as a superconductor of energy lighting up your energy body, aids in raising consciousness, and has been used since ancient times for extending physical longevity. It also lights up your pineal gland producing DMT!
Gerald Clark writes in his book The Anunnaki of Nibiru: Mankind’s Forgotten Creators, Enslavers, Destroyers, Saviors, and Hidden Architects of the NEW WORLD ORDER:
“Located within the temple of Hathor on Mt. Sinai, archaeologist found a large quantity of a white talcum-like powder in a storage chamber beneath a stone in the floor. When analyzed, the white powder turned out to be a by-product of gold processing, which was apparently being formulated into bread and consumed by the temple priests and ritual attendants.”
“The white powdered Starfire gold was consumed by high-ranking Anunnaki. They knew monoatomic elements like Starfire gold activated the pineal gland, subsequently producing DMT. Additionally, this bodily energetic optimization facilitated the production of the enzyme telomerase, tempering the damage of telomeres during cell division”
“Starfire gold could have involved the intentional enhancement of mental or telepathic communications, given the electromagnetic to chemical transduction function Dr. Strassmans assigned to the Spirit Molecule, DMT. In laymen’s terms, the DMT could convert the electromagnetic waves to thoughts and thoughts to an electromagnetic wave, like a Bluetooth short range modulator/demodulator (MODEM).”
Gerald also points it out in Exodus when Moses converts the golden calf to an alchemical substance. Gerald ponders in his book if he was “forcing his followers to drink the DNA-altering solution. Was Moses forcing the spiritually blind to experience the blinding white light of the pineal DMT release, although purportedly short-lived in its transformative effects?”
Exodus 32:19-20 (NIV)
“When Moses approached the camp and saw the calf and the dancing, his anger burned and he threw the tablets out of his hands, breaking them to pieces at the foot of the mountain.
And he took the calf the people had made and burned it in the fire; then he ground it to powder, scattered it on the water and made the Israelites drink it.”
In Gerald’s book he highlights that a Nobel prize was awarded in 2009 to scientists Blackburn, Greider and Szostak. Showing “how chromosomes are protected by telomeres and the enzyme telomerase.”
“The long, thread-like DNA molecules that carry our genes are packed into chromosomes, the telomeres being the caps on their ends.”
“If the telomeres are shortened, cells age. Conversely, if telomerase activity is high, telomere length is maintained, and cellular damage is delayed.”
“The Anunnaki mention aging as a problem for them on Earth. They found solutions, the ultimate being Starfire gold, reserved for the elite.”
Now, thanks to Gerald Clark and his research, there was a strong pull for his fans to try it, not just the elite! That’s why now we offer it.
Positive attributes ORMES is known for:
Known to be beneficial for spiritual enhancement, clarity, anti-aging and so much more!
See the store and click on the individual product for specific information related to that product.
WARNING: You should not take this product if you are on prescription mood altering drugs. It can release all the body chemistry the drugs inhibit.
Safety Information/Disclaimer:
We must advise that you consult your Doctor or other licensed health care provider before you ingest this or any other substance as a dietary supplement. This information has not been evaluated or approved by the FDA and is not necessarily based on scientific evidence from any source. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are intended to support general well-being and are not intended to treat, diagnose, mitigate, prevent, or cure any condition or disease.
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Take in the morning as it may make you feel too energized for sleep. Ensure to nurture your body with extra vitamins, as the starfire gold will begin to help your body build and repair on a cellular level.
Please note you may notice a strong effect at first and it may seem that it flattens out but that is not the case. It is normal to only notice the change in your body, after you’ve noticed the effect, the sensation of change may feel “flat” yet it is still doing its job having an accumulative effect. You can also slowly up your dosage after a few weeks by gently increasing or by adding an additional dose later in the day or trying a different variety.
Shake liquids well before using. Start conservatively with 4-6 drops or ¼-1/2 tsp in the morning. For powders start small with 1/10 tsp to 1/8 tsp. You can slowly increase the liquid or powder amount until you notice the effect by increasing the dosage or repeating mid-day. Some people take a lot, some people take very little. How much is right for you must be determined by you. You can take your dose in an acidic beverage such as orange juice or other citrus juices, coffee or even “emergen-C”. Why? This helps release the m-state by breaking the magnesium it is contained in.
Please note if you find yourself feeling grumpy or too drawn towards isolation with books drawn across your bed you may be experiencing what the ancients referred to as Hermeticism. Consider backing off your dose or stop taking it until you feel normal again. Some signs can be grumpiness, visual distortion or intense and obsessive thinking.
Store in an EMF free area, away from TV’s microwaves and computers as well as blenders, motors and electronic stoves. Store in a cool dark place, like a cabinet or metal tin. The Spagyric formula must be refrigerated. All other forms need a dark and quiet place.
Consider addition supplements or taking a multi-vitamin minimally to help your body repair as the ORMES often repairs cells.
Some people “charge” their ORMES by placing it near crystals or other sacred spaces. Some place it in a pyramid. This is fun and up to you. It is said to “program” your ORMES to keep that “vibe” unless it picks up a “vibe” from elsewhere. The ORMES is feminine in nature so it will receive light and respond. Another way is to imprint sounds via the solfeggio frequencies, these seem to have an astoundingly positive effect, especially in liquid forms. Think of Masaru Emoto.
What is SFG?
Starfire Gold also known as ORMES - Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements. Starfire gold is an alchemical substance that was used by the Anunnaki to prolong their lives by preventing their telomeres from deteriorating. Gerald Clark writes about it in his book The Anunnaki of Nibiru.
Starfire gold is known to provide mental clarity, it works as a superconductor of energy lighting up your energy body, aids in raising consciousness, and has been used since ancient times for extending physical longevity. It also lights up your pineal gland producing DMT!
Gerald Clark writes in his book The Anunnaki of Nibiru: Mankind’s Forgotten Creators, Enslavers, Destroyers, Saviors, and Hidden Architects of the NEW WORLD ORDER:
“Located within the temple of Hathor on Mt. Sinai, archaeologist found a large quantity of a white talcum-like powder in a storage chamber beneath a stone in the floor. When analyzed, the white powder turned out to be a by-product of gold processing, which was apparently being formulated into bread and consumed by the temple priests and ritual attendants.”
“The white powdered Starfire gold was consumed by high-ranking Anunnaki. They knew monoatomic elements like Starfire gold activated the pineal gland, subsequently producing DMT. Additionally, this bodily energetic optimization facilitated the production of the enzyme telomerase, tempering the damage of telomeres during cell division”
“Starfire gold could have involved the intentional enhancement of mental or telepathic communications, given the electromagnetic to chemical transduction function Dr. Strassmans assigned to the Spirit Molecule, DMT. In laymen’s terms, the DMT could convert the electromagnetic waves to thoughts and thoughts to an electromagnetic wave, like a Bluetooth short range modulator/demodulator (MODEM).”
Gerald also points it out in Exodus when Moses converts the golden calf to an alchemical substance. Gerald ponders in his book if he was “forcing his followers to drink the DNA-altering solution. Was Moses forcing the spiritually blind to experience the blinding white light of the pineal DMT release, although purportedly short-lived in its transformative effects?”
Exodus 32:19-20 (NIV)
“When Moses approached the camp and saw the calf and the dancing, his anger burned and he threw the tablets out of his hands, breaking them to pieces at the foot of the mountain.
And he took the calf the people had made and burned it in the fire; then he ground it to powder, scattered it on the water and made the Israelites drink it.”
In Gerald’s book he highlights that a Nobel prize was awarded in 2009 to scientists Blackburn, Greider and Szostak. Showing “how chromosomes are protected by telomeres and the enzyme telomerase.”
“The long, thread-like DNA molecules that carry our genes are packed into chromosomes, the telomeres being the caps on their ends.”
“If the telomeres are shortened, cells age. Conversely, if telomerase activity is high, telomere length is maintained, and cellular damage is delayed.”
“The Anunnaki mention aging as a problem for them on Earth. They found solutions, the ultimate being Starfire gold, reserved for the elite.”
Now, thanks to Gerald Clark and his research, there was a strong pull for his fans to try it, not just the elite! That’s why now we offer it.
Positive attributes ORMES is known for:
- Known to provide mental clarity
- Known to Raise Consciousness
- Used since Ancient Times for Great physical longevity
- Known for Superconductivity
- Known to Increase Energy
Known to be beneficial for spiritual enhancement, clarity, anti-aging and so much more!
See the store and click on the individual product for specific information related to that product.
WARNING: You should not take this product if you are on prescription mood altering drugs. It can release all the body chemistry the drugs inhibit.
Safety Information/Disclaimer:
We must advise that you consult your Doctor or other licensed health care provider before you ingest this or any other substance as a dietary supplement. This information has not been evaluated or approved by the FDA and is not necessarily based on scientific evidence from any source. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are intended to support general well-being and are not intended to treat, diagnose, mitigate, prevent, or cure any condition or disease.
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Customer Q & A:
Is it safe to ingest?
Is it safe to ingest?
- Yes, the Ormes is safe to ingest. We currently ingest the Monatomic gold ourselves, we just had some this morning with our coffee. We've also had a lot of positive reviews from customers who have ingested it as well.
- The best way to take it is a few drops to start in the morning. Taking it under your tongue is one way but sometimes not as tasty. We usually put a few drops in our tea or coffee. The acidity in your tongue or coffee helps break it down. It can be energizing therefore we recommend the morning.
- We have two types. The Alchemical Elixir which has one monatomic element: Gold. The Golden Dragon our Spagyric Alchemical Elixir of the Anunnaki has three monatomic elements: gold, rhodium and iridium.
- The cost is anywhere from $12.10 - $77 + S&H.
- I don't currently know of any ill side effects for type 2 diabetes. Typically the ormes is very healing for people.
- We do delivery to Spain and/or the UK. We use a third party shipping agent and the rates are a bit high so buying a higher qty may be easier. We're talking about getting back onto Amazon for less expensive delivery options. Hopefully that will come soon!