The following excerpt is from my second book, "The 7th Planet Mercury Rising" beginning on page 70. The conclusion I draw is that the Sumerian Kings before the stated flood all served their complete terms listed in Shars (Sar = 3600 Earth years). Then, suddenly following the flood, the terms served by the kings is very intermittent with sudden and frequent changes in the central authority location. I call this the merry-go-round period wrought with destruction. ========================== 7th Planet Mercury Rising Excerpt ========================== Another point of interest from our first table of Sumerian Kings is GERALD CLARK 70 the fact that the location changed 4 times after originating in Eridu. Then some catastrophe befell the city and kingship was moved to Bad Tibira. Again this occurred at Bad Tibira, Laraq, Zimbir, and finally Shurrupak (Shurruppag). A final point of interest is the fact that ruler ship ends after 8 kings and 176,400 years shown in first table of kings, ending with Noah’s flood as denoted. Revolving Sumerian Kingship and Destruction The reason that the kingship fell and was moved so many times is not addressed by the list, other than stating it was defeated and moved elsewhere, over and over. By reading one king’s account of how Ur’s Second Dynasty fell in the Lamentations shown, left to us by none other than Nannar himself, we can extrapolate that other kingships were “defeated” causing a change in command and location. See Figure 4 below. Recall the spirit of the slave taskmaster in the African mines is embodied in his father, Enlil. Here is the full but sad tale of the extent to which the wrathful commander holding the rank 50 and operating as Lord of the Command treated the primitive workers and his own family. THE 7th PLANET MERCURY RISING 71 Figure 4: Nannar Sin, King of 2nd Dynasty of Ur Note that Alulim is named as the first in a long line of liaison kings that were installed by the Anunnaki, which provided a middle management layer in the simulator. Figure 4 above depicts Nannar Sin’s kingly 2nd Dynasty of Ur’s listing, ending with the bland power transition statement that “then Urim (Ur) was defeated and the kingship was taken to Adab”. Makes one wonder what happened causing the kingship to move from city to city with little to no detail GERALD CLARK 72 as to why this happened. This is especially curious after seeing the duration of the ruler ships prior to the flood. The lamentations of Ur provide some telling clues about how the Anunnaki council, in particular Enlil and Anu, agree to the destruction of the city occupied by Nannar-Sin (Allah) and his wife the Queen Ningal. © Gerald R Clark, 2013-2024
Gerald Clark
Best Selling Author of "The Anunnaki of Nibiru: Mankind's Forgotten Creator's, Enslavers, Destroyers, Saviors and Hidden Architects of the New World Order" Archives
September 2024