The following segment is taken from my new book
The 7th Planet Mercury Rising The Caduceus Replaces the Cross Consider the concept of receiving a frequency (power), where energy meets matter, in the Ganglion of Impar, the nerve complex at the base of the human Coccyx bone. This is where the received power initiates the alchemical transformation symbolized by the Caduceus. This ancient healing symbol was carried by Thoth-Ningishzida, and explained in my new book The 7th Planet Mercury Rising [ Pgs. 189-195]. As I have discussed on radio, the NT verse John 1:12 accurately conveys the two-phase process for awakening the wings of Hermes. Here is the verse: John 1:12 King James Version (KJV) But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: There are two parts from an energetic perspective, first is receiving power and the second is becoming. Note that receiving him and believing on his name have are either or antecedents to the process of getting the coiled up energy (potential for release like a spring) stored in the human Sacrum, that is receiving power. It can lay dormant for an entire lifetime if not released from the Sacrum. The energy had to be broadcast for it to be received. The broadcaster was Thoth-Ningishzida-Jesus doing the dying and rising God ritual to create the dispensation frequency that is the essence of the Kundalini potential energy. The receiver interface to the electro-magnetic spectrum (EMS) is your human antenna receiver body. This EMS interface occurs in the Chakras, shown as 7 rainbow-colored nodes along the spine. An added area of interest regarding the human pelvis is the foramen (holes oddly spaced) which have the potential to be the aggregating wave guide and cavity resonator for the EMS activation of the nerve node at the point co-located with the negative pole of energy body, called the Ganglion of Impar. Thus, the ribs channel the received EMS energy which oscillates within the pelvic bowl shaped like a cavity resonator. This resonant chamber is co-located with the Coccyx bone, no coincidence here. Here is the becoming part, the second part of the verse... Potential energy received in the Coccyx (called power from John 1:12, KJV) bone triggers a snake-like wiggling in the Ganglion of Impar, the electrical conduit for energy. The energy is represented by a coiled snake in the Yogic tradition, suggesting the wound up spring is prepared to uncoil rapidly, releasing the potential energy stored in the coil traveling upwards in the direction of the entwined snakes, the double helix DNA symbol for a geneticist. This energy has 3 paths, the central path, the rising energy and the falling energy (Ida Nadi and Pingala Nadis). The received power amplifies, and it it overcomes the potential barrier then the rising Kundalini will sequentiallly occupy the quantized energy levels knows as Chakras depicted by seven different wavelengths Then the double helix DNA that was dumbed-down for the primitive worker design, represented by entwining snakes wrapped around the central pole, were indicative of the energy received, transforming the DNA to a higher subset of Enki's genetic archetype. This is a process that seems to coincide with the opening of each Chakra in succession. Enki taught this knowlede to his son Ningishzida-Thoth that carried the same symbol all the way to Greece as Hermes and to Rome as Mercury. Thoth was the first Al-Khemist, the root word for Alchemy, a symbolic process of transformation from the ka illusion of matter to the ba Sun-soul energy that connects us directly back to the CREATOR OF ALL as described in the Emerald Tablets. This is our birthright as Light beings, allowing us to pass through the 3rd dimensional guarded portal to our destined home on Arulu with the Ancient Gods, one of the most advanced being our teacher, Thoth himself. Once the rising Kundalini energy reaches the 7th Chakra (crown), the Pineal gland is activated producing DMT, which does not cross the blood-brain barrier. This "Spirit Molecule", as it was called by Dr. Strassman in his book DMT the Spirit Molecule [35], is what floods the lateral ventricles, shown in the Caduceus symbol as the Wings of Hermes. Hermes was the head of the Hermetic tradition that taught folks along the Nile at the Mystery Schools how this alchemical transformation worked. And, for those willing to read something other than the Enlil-edited Nicean aggregate of truth and lies of omission (as well as bold faced ones as pointed out in both my books), the Emerald Tablets of Thoth discuss the intended path for mankind versus what the Churches have done in response to this salvation doctrine verse used by Martin Luther at the onset of the Protestant Reformation. This understanding about the Caduceus and who Thoth was will lead to the final religious revolution, whereby the Roman death symbol of the crucifix is replaced by the symbol of the first Alchemist, Thoth himself. The New Testament Jesus was crucified on a cross whose shape made a mockery of the similarly-shaped Caduceus, representing the internal spiritual/energetic cumulative human energetic struggle, and the ultimate human achievement, lateral wings of Hermes. These pilot wings represent the achievement of an enlightened consciousness shared by the Anunnaki, an activated ba SUN-soul. Now compare the death and destruction symbol of the Roman cross with the shape of the Caduceus, and you will see symbolically that Enlil was broadcasting to the Enkiites, namely Ningishzida-Thoth, that he would do any level of evil to prevent mankind from having what their true CREATOR OF ALL and Enki intended, an elevated consciousness like that of Jesus-Thoth-Ningishzida. A cosmic battle has come to a head, a battle over the evolution of human consciousness, one that I aim to finish, here and now by exposing the lies of Enlil. Consider the term Enlightenment, overcoming the glass ceiling imposed by Enlil. No coincidence here… We have the advantage of knowing the prophesied end result of the war between Light and Dark, LIGHT wins and darkness is erased from the Earth!!! Let the good times roll on out. © Gerald R Clark, 2013-2024
Gerald Clark
Best Selling Author of "The Anunnaki of Nibiru: Mankind's Forgotten Creator's, Enslavers, Destroyers, Saviors and Hidden Architects of the New World Order" Archives
January 2025