Given the significant research that has been conducted looking for the source of the outer planet disturbance, Nibiru or a large planet is verified and real. Dr. Harrington is the key player in the original disclosure and appears to have been eliminated right at a crucial point in history (1991) right when he was going to release his personal findings at a conference.
Thus, Nibiru must have been approaching at that time. By my calculated rates, which are only an approximation, Nibiru could easily get to perihelion within 239 years from Pluto, much faster if the actual distance were known to compute a more accurate rate than that derived from Neugebauer’s claim in 1981 of Nibiru being 50 billion miles away atthat time. I believe based on all the evidence that Nibiru has passed our solar ecliptic and is now transiting with the potential to appear from behind the sun any time now (04.27.15). By the date of July, 2015, if Nibiru is where I think it is, the planet should become more apparent whether this is true, appearing as a second sun. Pioneer 10 data should have direct evidence given its location at perihelion. If Enki’s clan is successful, another flood event should be avoided. Watching the magnetic pole shift at the North indicates a great deal about either a galactic center traversal in accordance with the Mayan Calendar or the passage of Nibiru from the south between Mars and Jupiter, in the constellation of Libra according to Dr. Harrington. How far could Nibiru and its satellites travel from 1991 until now? On the conspiratorial side, if Google Sky has an area coincident with the orbital path for Nibiru, then finding this blacked-out location is likely the key to knowing where the planet is currently. I attempted to locate this claimed area yesterday, but was unable to find it. The dual-purpose functionality assigned to the chemtrails by Enki’s anonymous message makes sense to me. This is precisely what has been happening since the 1990’s according to his message, the same time frame that Dr. Harrington was about to make another disclosure from his personal observations looking for Nibiru in the Southern Hemisphere before he died suddenly of throat cancer, hardly believable given what we know of cancerous symptoms and progression. Clearly a suspicious death IMHO. The fact that his death coincides with an attempt to obscure the skies with chemtrails at the same time is telling. Another very interesting correlation is the time disclosed in the anonymous message specifying the 1990’s as the point when Nibiru was close to being able to be seen resulting in the PTB adding earth elements to the jet fuel to obscure the passage of Nibiru. This happened at the very time that Dr. Harrington was about to do his conference disclosure in 1991. Dr. Harrington’s orbital map (scaled or unscaled) did not agree with the IRAS scientist’s obvious dismissal of the data. Thus, the political and social ramifications of such a find were handled delicately from the very beginning. The search for the intruder planet that had to be responsible for the physical tilting of our very larger outer planets deserves a scientific explanation, not a government sponsored disinformation campaign which has been ongoing since the 1970’s. Pluto takes 248 years to orbit the sun. Thus, in the worst case, Nibiru could transit this distance within the same time range. The evidence points to the fact that Planet X was inbound in the 1990’s and at some point would be able to be seen coming in from the retrograde orbit to perihelion. The response from governments around the world holds some clues. Some purport that all the underground bases and connecting rat tunnels was done in order to survive the passage of Nibiru and the surface destruction that can happen and has occurred in the past. There has been a flurry of activity as of the last year stocking the deep underground bases and tunnels. As a contrarian point of reference, the arms race leading to weapons of mass destruction has prompted a similar response from humanity since the cold war. Many nations fear the direct or indirect impact of a nuclear fallout on the climate and planet surface. Thus, making preparations to survive underground during a nuclear winter has a similar preparation impact as would the passage of Nibiru. Given the fact that Nibiru’s passage would cause massive surface destruction, an extinction level event (ELE), governments in possession of the power to grab resources and protect themselves from the coming changes, war or invader planet, cannot be distinguished. My guess is that war will be used right up the Nibiru event to corner resources needed to re-establish civilization afterwards. These resources are being safeguarded underground if possible. So, what should the masses do that have no ticket to outer space or an underground bunker that can be sustained for a long duration? This question brings us to the usually avoided topic of death. This is no different than putting on the hat that you have just been informed of a terminal disease and have approximately 6 month to live. How would you spend your time? Would you be lulled into creating a “bucket list” and wasting your time visiting more of Earth’s illusory matter at various locations? Or would one go inside and seek to optimize the energetic experience in the body where the finite meets the infinite? Which response has more permanent consequences for one’s soul path? What realistically can one do with such short notice and limited resources? I personally decided to not let fear guide my response to Earth or war changes and even the possibility of dying and leaving my meat modem behind as my SUN-soul merges back with the light. Thus, I am free to concentrate on doing my assigned mission until my services are no longer required as an avatar in this holographic simulated life. Thus, I will not be doing anything extreme in preparation for Nibiru’s passage. We always have a food and water reserve and live a minimalistic life. If one knows that a tree is going to fall on them, it is obvious to get out of the way and not be fatalistic. Alternatively, if the entire planet is going to experience an extinction level event, then one is faced with few tangible choices. The wealthy will spend their resources out of fear, mimicking what the government is doing to survive the potential destruction of our surface world. They will build underground bunkers and stockpile food and water, buying solar panels and grow lights and all the necessities to grow food underground. Most do not have the resources to do this. Those that build such shelters will not be willing to tell others about it, just like the government has withheld from the masses, because there is only a limited space, reserved for friends and family. Imagine if the bunker owner were to blab to everyone that it existed and a real threat occurs (nuclear war or planetary change), many will seek safety of the publicized shelter but will have to be turned away by the owner. This is not a happy scenario. Christa and I would like to continue our mission serving mankind as long as the holographic constructs allow, evolving and sharing with close friends and loved ones until ascension or transition is imminent. For those that do survive an ELE, depending on the progress of the LIGHT-DARK battle between Anunnaki factions, it will be a different world formed from the ashes of destruction as indicated by the Latin phrase Ordo Ab Chao, translated order out of chaos. From what I have seen, the NWO is not concerned about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Thus, do you want to be part of that new world prison planet? Do you think you will be able to live apart from the forces that emerge afterwards to assert dominion over the Earth? Is this ELE designed by the Creator of All to force us to transition out of this dimension to a higher one? This gets deep pondering such issues. I like to think of the movie 2012 and how Woody Harrelson was portrayed as a mobile broadcaster on the precipice of the coming destruction, unafraid and strangely jubilant to face the unavoidable end of his life, which is just a matter of time. None leave the simulator alive in a transient light encoded reality matrix body. I will certainly apply consciousness preserving techniques learned in the Emerald Tablets at the very end of my life. Cross your fingers that the Enki clan has the backing of the Creator of All and the DARK forces are thwarted. Otherwise, the New World Order plan, creating a world government poised to dictate to mankind after the cataclysm caused by nuclear or Nibiru’s passage, probably both, will occur. Governments-countries with nuclear weapons that are not sheltered underground will seek to use them or lose them if they are aware of an impending ELE. Thus, it is likely that a nuclear war will slightly precede the coming of Nibiru out of perihelion, with a best guess time frame of as early as July 15th 2015 to as late as the end of 2016. The world stage has been set to either use a nuclear war as an excuse to head to the underground bunkers ignoring the reality of Nibiru’s passage being the real and imminent danger to us all. Only Ziusudra-Noah survived the last great flood. How many on the planet will survive the next one? © Gerald R Clark, 2013-2024
Gerald Clark
Best Selling Author of "The Anunnaki of Nibiru: Mankind's Forgotten Creator's, Enslavers, Destroyers, Saviors and Hidden Architects of the New World Order" Archives
January 2025