Thoth versus Enlil Gerald R. Clark Author of "The Anunnaki of Nibiru: Mankind's Forgotten Creators, Enslavers, Destroyers, Saviors, and Hidden Architects of the New World Order" hot off the press, my 585 new book "The 7th Planet, Mercury Rising" just released in paperback and kindle versions today!I wanted to share an epic dialog that is ongoing between a very honorable father and his seeking son who is pursuing a life of ministry at the University of Dallas, a Catholic school that highly venerates Constantine. He was the Roman Dark Lord agent that subjugated and dumbed-down the original teachings of Jesus, completely ignoring the salvation verse that landed Martin Luther at the door of the Roman Mafia outfits door leading to the Protestant Revolution. The Catholic Pedophilia-filled Mafia cult, pretending to have the true origins of mankind in their religious dogma, have hidden the truth about infinite beings having a human experience and their birthright energetic connection back to the SOURCE as described in John 1:12, it should be evident to all.
In my latest book, "The 7th Planet Mercury Rising", Mic will find the ultimate connection between energy and matter and who Ningishzida-Thoth-Hermes-Mercury-Jesus really is and the solution to this dynamic situation in the heartland of the mega-churches, Dallas Texas. Thus, I see the hero Mic fulfilling the radio prophecy I spoke of last year, that spiritual seekers will gather beneath the symbol of life, the Caduceus, Mercury's alchemical depiction where energy meets matter and abandon the symbol of death. Thoth's symbol, the Caduceus leads us to the TRUTH versus the Roman torture symbol, the Crucifix. The cross was pushed by Constantine who derailed the dangerous movement that was absorbed into a disgusting and repetitive ritual, over and over, involving death (blood and body) making a mockery of the teachings of Thoth in his mystery schools along the Nile. The mystery school was intended to be for the masses, once the elect like Plato had gone through the 20+ year process and established the procedural template showing the rest of the hairy barbarians in the land of Khem (Egypt from the Emerald Tablets of Thoth) the way out of their holographic enslavement with their skewed perception sensors forming the illusion of matter, known as the energy field of ka. Enlil sent Abram into Egypt to spy on the Enkiites (Thoth, Enki, Isis, others) involved in waking up the primitive worker's consciousness. Why wouldn't they be benevolent to man, all three named were listed in the Sumerian documents as our creators as discussed in my first book "The Anunnaki of Nibiru..."? Thus, the Roman death instrument, the crucifix, was a symbolic way of Enlil signalling the Enkiites (especially Ningishzida who's incarnate body resident in Jesus was tortured thereon) that pushing the symbol of life and increased consciousness will not be tolerated. "You will be tortured and sacrificed on the crucifix seeking to gain the LIGHT for our gold mining slaves" (Gerald Clark). Good thing the LIGHT always wins, enjoy the paradigm shifting dialog between Mic Doyle and I assessing his son's fated forks in the road on and off the University campus, where ideas can become the next Protestant Revolution that finally hits its mark!!! The following dialog is a continuation that occurred between Gerald Clark and one of his Facebook fans, Mic Doyle, was captured and analyzed given the profound situation he finds himself in. Mic's son is a graduate of the University of Dallas Catholic Seminary and works as a youth minister in his church as well as now working for NCH. Follow along as two fathers discuss the belief system that has shaped the fated steps in all of their collective paths, connecting ancient wisdom that pre-dates the Canonical Bible with the undercurrent of dissatisfaction that religious seekers are now acknowledging. The final Protestant Revolution is about to hit its mark, trading a symbol of death, the crucifix, for the symbol of ascended birthright we all share, that of the Caduceus given from Enki our Creator to his son Ningishzida-Thoth, our redeemer. Thoth also received the key to the dimensional portal gate at the Duat, the exit point from the third dimension holographic prison to our destined home on Arulu. Man's life is exemplified by the illusion of ka, obscuring this truth. Thus, the Biblical Jesus states no man comes to the father except by me. Now you realize the truth: No one gets out of the 3D holographic prison except by Thoth, cause he was given the keys to the kingdom by his father, honoring his son. Without further delay, here is the epic continuation of the dialog with Mic Doyle. =================================================================== Gerald Clark Jan 1st, 11:36am Hi Mic, most of the info seems accurate, just know that Ningishzida=Thoth then once you read my book it will all fall into place for you, at least that is my hope. Book still not processed by Amazon yet, they say it could take up to 24 hours, but normally does not. It has been 9 hours since final submission. A watched pot still won't boil, seems like we should have made more progress by now... Mic Doyle Jan 2nd, 11:03am It's worth the wait, Gerald. I don't think anyone will be disheartened by the unexpected delays. I'm sitting here thinking to myself lately, "Why haven't I ever heard of this Ningishzida character?" No one else I know has ever heard of Ningishzida either. Talk about living with your head in the sand. Maybe that is what you are here for, Gerald. To help us get our fu#^ing heads out of the sand! We watch the the football games, the basketball games, the sitcoms and the prime-time talent shows... but they sure the hell would never televise a documentary on the stuff you are talking about about! Or, would they? : Gerald Clark Jan 2nd, 11:34pm Hey buddy, the History Channel started doing the ancient alien episodes in 2009. There was maybe only a handful that discussed Enkiites. I was very excited to listen to your dialog formed from this page and thinking about your son and mine caught in the simulator of lies Mic Doyle Jan 3rd, 9:21am What many people have yet to embrace, is that there are EARLIER accounts that correlate to most of the stories and personas depicted in the Bible. Once they are able to put all the pieces together... connect all the dots... I think they will come to realize that Gerald Clark holds the 'key' to awakening the sleeping populous of sheeple who have blindly followed a facsimile of the TRUTH. Check out this YouTube documentary produced by a PhD Rabbi who has dedicated most of his life to the story of Adam and Eve in The Garden of Eden: Gerald Clark Jan 3rd, 5:36pm Hi Mic, did you get the dropbox link to the mp3 version of our conversation? The dialog we are having could be the genesis of a new spiritual revolution, starting in Texas, and spreading to the whole world! I see the only way to make that happen is to have the folks that are misleading the sheeple awoken to the truth. I have a minister suddenly from Texas sending me very sycophantic and dishonoring messages intended to dishearten my message. I sent him to the wood shed with two sentences, then thought that this type of messenger should not be killed, but converted much as Paul was on the road to Damascus. I watched the Rabbi links, still too chicken shit to put the names on the faces and connect the dots to Yahweh. Instead they took the story of Gilgamesh which alluded to Eridu's famed Garden of ED.IN and tried to make it the Atrahasis account for man's true origins. This is classic for the Enlilites, claiming they created everything, while not mentioning the three that actually did: Enki, Ninharsag, and Ningishzida the true holder of the keys to the kingdom which he so aptly states in Emerald Tablet 15 where he says "win ye the way to me my children" by challenging us to do John 1:12 in totality. That includes figuring out we are the temple where energy meets matter, where the infinite energy, the most un-manifested matter precursor being LIGHT, intersects with the finite illusion we call our bodies containing the ka (illusion) and the ba (SUN-soul) which is analogous to the Kundalini energy spoken of in the Yogig and Hindu traditions which use the Chakra model for our temples. The distinction that the body is the temple versus the building being the temple is most instructive. That is why Ningishzida tells his followers that the Kingdom of Heaven (Sun-soul ba spirit derived from the Creator of All in the domain of the CIRCLE OF LIGHT) as described in my book. Thus, one needs to know the two most important rules to participate in breaking the illusion of ka (the world of man). Mic Doyle Jan 4th, 10:47am That concerns me, Gerald, that you are suddenly getting 'negative' messages from a minister in Texas? I know that they would not be from my son, Paul, in Texas. (My son is no longer a minister, anyway.) And I am in New Orleans. But I do know this... there are a lot of idiots, Christian zealots, in Texas who thrive on confrontation. You should welcome the opportunity to stick to the facts and set things straight. They say that ANY publicity is good publicity... so you might as well get used to the good AND the bad feedback on your book... because, face it my friend, you are becoming world famous! Keep calm in the face of adversity... and that will be your shield. I will definitely focus on the two preconditions for breaking the illusion of ka. If people are already hacking your book from Amazon... and confronting your theology... then you have truly ignited a Spiritual Revolution! Let the truth speak for itself; and do not entertain the idiot zealots. Simply refer them to your book(s) and challenge them on what they have read. If you detect that they have NOT read your book(s) thoroughly... then let them know that any debate is futile. Refer anyone out there to FIRST read your book(s) thoroughly... challenging them to fact-check the content. Only then you will entertain a healthy discussion on the subject matter. Who knows, some people may actually have some constructive feedback on your writings. As for the others, simply smile and let the Revolution begin!!! Your friend, Mic Gerald Clark Jan 5th, 7:37pm Hi Mic, I am used to the ankle biters from the last year of doing radio shows and dealing with those caught in the "godspell". I have really dialed into our conversation over most others (getting thousands of emails now) as you have almost prophetically assessed the situation in the religious community relative to the crossover information I have now written about. The pastor is named Scott D. After rebuking him slightly, then putting him on a block list, his wife, the associate pastor of XXX Temple in Texas somewhere is holding a large multi-thousand person event in April and wants me to be a paid speaker there! Not sure I want to walk into that kind of trap, we shall see. I think one of his members approached him about my data and it spawned him to approach me in a very dishonoring way, unbecoming of a "child of God". Mic Doyle and Gerald Clark Facebook Dialog January 7th, 2015 Mic Doyle Jan 7th, 6:49am Hi Gerald. You can publish what you deem appropriate... and I have no shame in supporting you. I am a proud supporter of Gerald Clark and his research; as you are like a beacon of light that guides the masses into the New Millennium... the Age of Aquarius. It would be an honor for you to refer to me as, Mic Doyle, your friend. I recall that you embraced the true essence of my prophecy; when you expressed a certain tugging of the heart-strings in relation to your Faith and Spiritual-foundation. That is the 'key' to your relating to the Churches across America... around the world. Do not be afraid of them. Let them know, upon your initial introductions, like many of them you come in peace as a seeker of the Truth-- beginning your presentations with a humble prayer. Let them know that you do not come as an 'enemy'; but as a passionate servant of Mankind who has been 'inspired' to disclose new pieces of the eternal puzzle-- pieces of the puzzle that have been hidden from us far too long. I foresee a marrying of your knowledge, Gerald, with all religions. The Muslims, the Hindus, the Buddhists, the Christians and the Jews will all invite you to address their congregations. The heated debates and spiritual overtones will be not unlike the Council of Nicaea-- and the many Councils convened under the emperor reigns of Constantine and Augustine. It is your commission to maintain a higher level of integrity and compassion than your confused counterparts-- as the knowledge you disseminate will shock many to the core. Remember, Jesus was crucified for such knowledge. But, remember this, you will incite conversation among all the Religions of the day... and will hold audience with all their Leaders. Surround yourself with those you trust, with love, everywhere you go Gerald. Do not undertake these ventures alone; but always ensure that you have a strong support network to sustain you in the initial stages of your invocation. Remember that word, 'invocation', because you are summoning unto the world a New Age-- and with every New Age arrives a new set of Prophets. Yours is not to attack the religions of the day, Gerald, but to 'guide' them toward a more enlightened state. At first, the resistance to your knowledge may seem insurmountable; but deliver your message with love, compassion, understanding, and invite ALL religions to the Feast of enlightenment-- and you will someday be known as 'The Great Facilitator'... of the Truth! Cheers, Mic Gerald Clark Jan 7th, 2:46pm Hi Mic, If I am to take on such a mission, which seems unavoidable at some point in time. Were I to undertake such a venture, I would want a trusted visionary like you Mic along for the illuminating ride © Gerald R Clark, 2013-2024
Gerald Clark
Best Selling Author of "The Anunnaki of Nibiru: Mankind's Forgotten Creator's, Enslavers, Destroyers, Saviors and Hidden Architects of the New World Order" Archives
January 2025