As you know, Moloch is another name for Bel-Marduk, the son of Enki and chief deity of Babylon. According to the book "The Wars of Gods and Men" by Z. Sitchin, Marduk was at war with Enlil-Yahweh in Mesopotamia (Nippur was Enlil's mission control headquarters) and later in Jerusalem, the new mission control center for Enlil. Ask yourself why this child sacrifice idol is being placed in the Roman Colliseum where many Christians lost their lives for the entertainment of the populace. The timing of this move is very important in terms of announcing the New World Order headed by Lucifer-Marduk very shortly. Expect it to start with an economic collapse, and suddenly without an implant or proper marking you will be unable to participate in the buying and selling of goods. Are you prepared to reject the mark of the Beast and be cut off from the support systems we all need? I also saw that Moloch showed up in the Colorado and Texas schools under a very horrid reality. The kids are being prepared to be child abuse victims and worse in anticipation of Moloch's imminent declaration that he is the "Lord of the Earth", Anunnaki council rank 50. Marduk obtained that rank in the past circa 2000 BC. Is he keeping the title and what about his rival Yahweh-Enlil that promised to smash him in the book of Revelations? I plan to do another show on this topic to make it real and correlated to the goals for a New World Order as part of the Rio Agenda 21 meeting. We are almost there... With Approval from Vatican: Canaanite Idol `Moloch' Put on Display in Rome Google Images Moloch Moloch statue of child sacrifice on display at Colosseum, holy site for Christian martyrs Carthage exhibition at Colosseum in Rome Statue of ancient god of child sacrifice put on display in Rome Who was the Canaanite god Molech? Cabiria (1914) FULL |
Gerald Clark
Best Selling Author of "The Anunnaki of Nibiru: Mankind's Forgotten Creator's, Enslavers, Destroyers, Saviors and Hidden Architects of the New World Order" Archives
January 2025