Odyssey Ki Trailer T5.6 Braknai Arena Gear and Speech
The time has arrived and the scene is set for the last segment on an alien planet at which time the story resumes on planet Ki, one that should mean more to us than it appears to. Odyssey Ki Trailer Source Segment T5.6 Saurama Elinates Threats at the Arena.
Flight Commander Saurama is dispatched to the Arena on Taleron’s celebratory 9th Shariversary that was to take place tonight., CODE RED. Commander Saurama has arrived at the arena, and set up a security position at the front entrance while the crowd is fully engaged inside the holodome stadium. Two forces aligned with Braknai are also on guard in the Arena underground entrance tunnels. Saurama dispatches them with her blade bayonettte and impressive alien machine gun. Now she must intevene in the arena and save King Taleron as ordered. Good luck with your mission Urigangi Flight Commander Saurama!!!… A distress call has been received by the Urigangi Commanding Pilot Saurama, she is fully armed and at the entrance of the Arena underground tunnels to make sure there are no reinforcements that will be a threat. Images of past fights flash before her eyes as the adrenaline begins to flow through her Uribanni veins. This is a short demonstration of two models that are being used in Odyssey Ki, the movie. The UFO and Commander Saurama are both featured in the movie, shown here on the surface of Mars receiving his monoatomic gold from a fellow pilot in the craft. He is fully armed for the hostilities that exist on alien planets, but is here surveying for way station facilities to manage the gold mined from Planet Ki enroute to Uribanni. Don't forget your starfire gold...
This segment took a massive amount of work to pull off, and each time I watch it I think up 50 more things I could do to the segment to make it more epic. There will be time for more compositing later, but for now it is just right. Saurama gets the call to expedite to the Arena with a Code Red holographic message to his heads up display. An Uribanni Leage Fighter craft is patrolling the city during the 9th Shariversary event held for the King in the Arena. Will Saurama save the king, if so, from what? Find out in the next trailer segment Odyssey Ki T5.6
Music Credits at the end of the video. Didgeridoo alien music recorded by Gerald Clark last night, good thing the neighbors were asleep.... This is part 2 of the KCOR Radio Interview with Solaris Blue Raven and I. I did not spend the time on the facial expression layer as hoped given I still need to watch all the new tutorials from Iclone 7 addressing new features, one of which is the ability to morph a character into another character or an object to another object. The speed to change can be keyed on the time line as well as the % you want to morph, really fun stuff. I do not know how many parts it will take 20,000 frames at a time but may stitch together 2 or three next time as I want the total not to exceed 4 parts. http://www.geraldclark77.com Read more about Odyssey KiContinuing the trailer for T5 source, the escape craft for Taleron is entroute to the HQ city and had to stop to refuel with liquid hydrogen for subsystem normal operations. Notice the luminence change as the clouds uncover the moon towards the exit shot. Gonna work to make my Iclone water this good. There will be a communication segment in the actual trailer, you know, radio type chatter.
http://www.geraldclark77.com Vimeo Video Credit for MoonandSeaHDFInalRenderH264, gracias.. |
Gerald Clark
Best Selling Author of "The Anunnaki of Nibiru: Mankind's Forgotten Creator's, Enslavers, Destroyers, Saviors and Hidden Architects of the New World Order" Archives
January 2025