7th Planet Broadcasting with Richie Barron "Anunnaki Came for Gold", UFO Sightings & Ancient History4/1/2024 Richie Barron is a song writer, guitarist & entertainer with millions of worldwide views each week! Richie has had the privilege of working with some of the best in the industry and is still actively being listened to and enjoyed worldwide. Gerald and Richie have worked together in the past on Gerald’s movie "Odyssey Ki." Richie wrote "Anunnaki Came For Gold" before Gerald and him met. It was going to let it be featured in his unreleased movie "Odyssey Ki." Richie wrote another song specifically for the movie "Princess Belota" representing Belet-ili the womb-Goddess who is the mother of humanity as depicted in the ancient texts of The Atrahasis. Richie’s music goes deep into ancient history all in a matter of minutes! Gerald and Richie did an interview together which you can find here in the video below. It’s fun to see their friendship and brotherly connection and love. In this new interview we discuss The Anunnaki, Ancient Researchers from past to current, UFO sightings and experiences, Gerald Clark, Richie’s music career and upbringing, his two hits “Anunnaki Came For Gold” and “Princess Belota” and much more. Watch Richie's Movie of The Anunnaki Came for Gold below and subscribe to his channel!! Find Richie on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook or send an email. Listen to Richie on his famous Radio Shows: https://www.famoushitslive.com/ 7 Days a week 3 times a week – 10:00 AM, 1:00 PM , & 8:00 PM – with 4 Million Views a week!! Richie's music is available on Amazon. Watch Gerald's videos of Richie's songs here: On Sale On Sale Audio Book: The Anunnaki of Nibiru: Mankind's Forgotten Creators, Enslavers, Saviors, and Hidden Architects of the New World Order
MP3 Audio Book Narrated by the one and only Gerald Clark Many historical and scriptural findings not included in the Canonical Bible, have now come to light. Access to texts such as the Lost Book of Enoch, the Nag Hamadi Gospels, and the Book of Jubilees, among others is now widely available and, when synthesized and correlated with existing documents like the Bible and Qu'ran, merits rethinking Western civilization's origins and intent. Prepare yourself for a profound belief-challenging journey through ancient Persia, Sumer, Greece, and Atlantis; from Rome to the United States, HQ of the New Atlantis. This book is not like any other in the field: expect the winged-warrior aerial perspective of an Army Attack helicopter pilot, the BS filter of an Electrical Engineer, a Western Medicine-challenging Structural Integrator, and Southern California didgeridoo player all at the same time. Energy and matter, sound entrainment, slave control design methods using the electromagnetic spectrum, eternal life, gravity, and DMT are addressed herein. U.S. public school history ignores the Sumerians, although they are credited with all aspects of modern civilization, influencing both Egypt and Greece alike. Television series produced by the History Channel, like the "Ancient Aliens" Series is assisting the masses in waking up to the fact that the Anunnaki were not a myth, having left physical documents and artifacts backing up their claims to have created mankind, described in highly sophisticated language, as recorded by Atrahasis. It was in South Africa, where the idea was spawned to create a primitive worker, namely mankind, to operate the gold mines, provide temple building manpower, and generally serve every whim the Ancient Astronauts from Nibiru conceived of. Many of the Niburians, referenced in the Biblical Genesis as the Elohim, known to the Sumerians as the Anunnaki, were enthroned as Gods in Mesopotamia. Perhaps it is fitting for Westerners to look into the religious and historical origins for the kings and demigods of Sumer, the first culture to provide evidence of the cuneiform script language, complete with no antecedent. Not only were mundane records, detailed as they were, kept on clay tablets, tens of thousands of which survive to this day, but the history and direct experience accounts of some of the famed inhabitants, like king Gilgamesh of Uruk, introduce us to "Those who from Heaven to Earth Came." The Anunnaki astronauts hailed from a planet, Nibiru, in our own solar system, whose apogee resides in a 3,600 retrograde elliptical orbit beyond Pluto. According to their records, likely using spectroscopy as scientists do today, they located gold on planet Earth. Due to a failing atmosphere on Nibiru, Anu their king, dispatched his preeminent scientist and first-born son, Enki, on a space mission to Earth to recover enough gold that could be ionized in a layer of their atmosphere, as a solar radiation shield Anunnaki gold mines in Africa have been found and carbon dated. Mining operations were occurring at the exact time and location that the "Genetic Eve Study" indicates: Womankind's genetic origins are undeniably linked to Enki's gold mining operation. Egyptian Queen Sheba's mines ring a bell? Michael Tellinger followed the Sumerian account to Africa, locating many of the mines, homes and temples used by the primitive workers and gods, our true ancestors. Additional source material and limited genealogy tables are included in the Bibliography and Appendix for the reader to explore. More exhaustive ones are available by contacting the author. Now consider your place in the unfolding New World Order. Will you choose the Enlilites or Enkiites to affiliate with, or do you have a choice? Enjoy this intellectual book, it is mind-bending, pineal-gland stimulating, and worth it! Please download the zipped file. Please unzip the file and enjoy. Individual chapters can be provided upon request. Email Christa Clark at [email protected] with any questions or concerns. Audio Book: The 7th Planet, Mercury Rising Narrated by Gerald Clark, MP3 Download
MP3 Audio Book Narrated by Gerald Clark This is the book you and I have been waiting for since authoring The Anunnaki of Nibiru released August 4th, 2013. The issues and questions that this research raised with the readers were carefully studied to locate the link between humanity's South African genesis account and today. How does one proceed after discovering that modern man was fashioned by the Anunnaki to supplant the labor force they brought to Earth from Nibiru? This knowledge changes all that we have been coerced into believing as the truth. A theme began to emerge given the lessons accessed from sacred writings. The profound nature of the material provided in this book took time to study, understand, process the lessons and assimilate them into a coherent message. Questions like "If the Anunnaki created mankind, then who created them?" The answer takes one back to the SOURCE of our reality. Are we evolving physically and consciously towards an archetype used in our biological design? Where are we headed as a species and to what extent are our genetic creators shaping the outcome? Who are the Dark Lords behind the NWO and will Light prevail? In my quest to find the ascension path out of our prison planet conditions, no map was found. The truth, as it always has been for participants on the stage of life, is a pathless land. Only through deep seeking at a spiritual level, could the wisdom be accessed. Profound and timely guidance from the pillars of Atlantis hold the keys to our ascension. The time to lift the veil of oppression, barbarian to Mystery School Graduate is here. Portal access to return to the Source of All creation exists. Mystery Schools run by the first Al-Khemist, Thoth the Atlantean, instructed highly qualified candidates in the Ancient Science of Continuous Creation. Some well-known graduates include Plato and Pythagorus. Thoth, also known as Ningishzida in the Sumerian cuneiform records, had many names in cultures separated by thousands of years. Also known as names (AKA) for him cause great consternation in the Abrahamic religions. Ningishzida, Thoth the Atlantean, Thrice Great Hermes, Yehosua (Biblical Jesus) and Melchizedek are just a few. Thoth was one of the immortals that chose to participate in helping mankind out of his quarantined perception prison. Combining genealogy studies, biblical theology, ancient astronaut theory, geopolitical developments, and a deep scientific understanding of the properties and nature of light led to an unexpected outcome, a profound unveiling intended for my supporters. The message and detailed criteria on how to participate in the Great Year ascension is presented to the reader in a manner that is easy to understand, given the complex nature of our reality. The unveiling re-invigorated me to write this book, simultaneous to the timing of the great culling planned for WW3. The reader will undoubtedly put the book down and zealously SEEK TO share the wisdom with family and friends, arming them with the knowledge that removes any remaining ideas or fears about the sting of death as we understand it. Overcoming our fear of death is part of the process to embrace the transformation we experience during aging. What if you knew that death was an illusion and conducted your life to achieve the goals that were determined by the Creator of All to lead you to the reflective consciousness that is the source of space-time and our reality here on the 7th Planet? Where Mercury-Ningishzida's role to raise mankind's consciousness during the ascension window is reaching a crescendo. Join me on this profound life-altering journey where the reader will encounter the mystical process that leads to the knowledge and reality of immortality if one chooses it. May the soul of the universe be with you and provide unmatched peace and comfort holding thy form through the transition to a new reality. I look forward to meeting you all at the SOURCE. Living My Personal Legend: & A Love That Lives On
Nearly all of us a have a dream inside of us burning to be fulfilled. We either do what it takes to make it come true or we continue living life, dreaming about it. This book holds the story of a many who fulfilled his dream, not once, not twice but over and over again. A man without fear and with a passion for living. Starting from humble roots where one could choose to stay, Gerald chose to rise up in multiple scenarios living and fulfilling not just one dream, but multiple dreams. This is the autobiography of best-selling Author, Gerald R. Clark who wrote “The Anunnaki of Nibiru” “The 7th Planet, Mercury Rising” and his screen-play “Odyssey Ki.” Gerald fulfilled his dream to fly becoming a helicopter pilot and Chief Warrant Officer II in the US Army, rising against the odds various times to make it so. From the Army he went to college and become a successful Electrical Engineer where he met his first wife and became a father to three beautiful children. He didn’t stop there and went for more training and become a healthcare practitioner in the art of Structural Integration, also known is Rolfing, opening his own practice helping others heal. After a rough divorce he was later led to meet his soul mate where he went on to become a best-selling author writing two books, a screenplay, becoming a well known speaker doing interviews, podcasts, and opening 7th Planet Broadcasting. He taught himself how to animate, wrote and produced The Anunnaki Series working with other like minded souls, and a movie script "Odyssey Ki". He then went on to open his own online school with his wife, Gravity Body Academy and held hands-on training. From his first breath to his last breath Gerald Clark lived an inspirational life. His autobiography is filled with gems to illuminate your path so you can do the same. Gerald shows us that we don't have to live the status quo, and we don't necessarily have to pursue only one path, we can follow our hearts calling and live our own personal legend! This book is not only an autobiography but also has the love story of Gerald and Christa Clark written by his soul mate Christa. A first hand look into their success, trials, tribulations, love for one another and her devastating loss. A widows tale of her own true love filled with insights on how to live your BEST life and keep living even after life throws you a hard curve ball, and to never stop believing that true love, a healthy, pure and inspirational love can exist for you. Quoted from the book: "Once upon a time, a girl met a man, and he helped her blossom into the woman she is today. Two souls destined to meet, to share their path, love, knowledge and with the world. Without his fire her smooth waters wouldn’t have created the waves of change that were required." "I learned while life can be hard, scary and at times full of changes and the unknown. Remember, you have the courage to face it, you’ll make it through to the other side, pass through that finish line, pass through the gate, survive, then hopefully thrive." - Christa Clark "What is interesting is that a person, place, or thing has the potential to change our fated path and become our destiny. Pay attention to what you are paying attention to. Discover why it is interesting to you, for good or bad and then choose wisely. These are the fated forks in the road along our stopping points of life." "You are a cosmic seed from the spawn of the INFINITE SOURCE, the CREATOR OF ALL. The books I have written empower the primitive worker to take the reins of their destiny, activating their hidden ba energetic key that will lead one back to the LIGHT, which is our destined home beyond the Duot, in another dimension and locale, neighbors to the CIRCLE OF LIGHT. Live your dream in this simulator, then let’s meet back at the SOURCE frequency." - Gerald Clark Hi Dear Souls, 7th Planet Broadcasting is coming back! I wish it could be with our beloved host Gerald Clark, yet when times change, we have to be open to change too. I was torn on where to upload this but wanted to bring people on related to Gerald's work and those who knew him and loved him and to share it with you all. Introducing the return of 7th Planet Broadcasting and what better way than with our beloved friend Betty with AstrologywithBetty.com. Betty and I go into depth on the divine feminine, how she came to know Gerald and his work, Inanna, Mary Magdalene, Jesus, Her NEW BOOK Coming Soon! The Creator of All - God - and thoughts on him being inside of us or something outside of us or a mixture of both!? We discuss meditation, the stream of consciousness available to us all, the sacred feminine and how we can take our power back, karma and how to reduce it, the sun and the moon, cymatics - energy and more! I hope you enjoy this special broadcast, stay tuned for the next episode! Learn more about Gerald Clark and his work at www.geraldclark77.com. Learn about bodywork at gravitybodyacademy.com Learn all about Betty at astrologywithbetty.com. Find more about Christa christajclark.com. Thank you for being here, sharing your light and being apart of these times! Sending love, sending light! Namaste, Christa Clark on behalf of Gerald On Sale On Sale The 7th Planet, Mercury RisingPlease note: This item ships directly from the publisher and takes a 3 to 4 days to produce the book and then ship. Update 2020 - Limited International Delivery. Please visit Amazon as well. Thank you for your patience and understanding. This is the book you and I have been waiting for since authoring The Anunnaki of Nibiru released August 4th, 2013. The issues and questions that this research raised with the readers were carefully studied to locate the link between humanity's South African genesis account and today. How does one proceed after discovering that modern man was fashioned by the Anunnaki to supplant the labor force they brought to Earth from Nibiru? This knowledge changes all that we have been coerced into believing as the truth. A theme began to emerge given the lessons accessed from sacred writings. The profound nature of the material provided in this book took time to study, understand, process the lessons and assimilate them into a coherent message. Questions like "If the Anunnaki created mankind, then who created them?" The answer takes one back to the SOURCE of our reality. Are we evolving physically and consciously towards an archetype used in our biological design? Where are we headed as a species and to what extent are our genetic creators shaping the outcome? Who are the Dark Lords behind the NWO and will Light prevail? In my quest to find the ascension path out of our prison planet conditions, no map was found. The truth, as it always has been for participants on the stage of life, is a pathless land. Only through deep seeking at a spiritual level, could the wisdom be accessed. Profound and timely guidance from the pillars of Atlantis hold the keys to our ascension. The time to lift the veil of oppression, barbarian to Mystery School Graduate is here. Portal access to return to the Source of All creation exists. Mystery Schools run by the first Al-Khemist, Thoth the Atlantean, instructed highly qualified candidates in the Ancient Science of Continuous Creation. Some well-known graduates include Plato and Pythagorus. Thoth, also known as Ningishzida in the Sumerian cuneiform records, had many names in cultures separated by thousands of years. Also known as names (AKA) for him cause great consternation in the Abrahamic religions. Ningishzida, Thoth the Atlantean, Thrice Great Hermes, Yehosua (Biblical Jesus) and Melchizedek are just a few. Thoth was one of the immortals that chose to participate in helping mankind out of his quarantined perception prison. Combining genealogy studies, biblical theology, ancient astronaut theory, geopolitical developments, and a deep scientific understanding of the properties and nature of light led to an unexpected outcome, a profound unveiling intended for my supporters. The message and detailed criteria on how to participate in the Great Year ascension is presented to the reader in a manner that is easy to understand, given the complex nature of our reality. The unveiling re-invigorated me to write this book, simultaneous to the timing of the great culling planned for WW3. The reader will undoubtedly put the book down and zealously SEEK TO share the wisdom with family and friends, arming them with the knowledge that removes any remaining ideas or fears about the sting of death as we understand it. Overcoming our fear of death is part of the process to embrace the transformation we experience during aging. What if you knew that death was an illusion and conducted your life to achieve the goals that were determined by the Creator of All to lead you to the reflective consciousness that is the source of space-time and our reality here on the 7th Planet? Where Mercury-Ningishzida's role to raise mankind's consciousness during the ascension window is reaching a crescendo. Join me on this profound life-altering journey where the reader will encounter the mystical process that leads to the knowledge and reality of immortality if one chooses it. May the soul of the universe be with you and provide unmatched peace and comfort holding thy form through the transition to a new reality. I look forward to meeting you all at the SOURCE.
On Sale On Sale The Anunnaki of Nibiru - Latest EditionPlease note: This item ships directly from the publisher and takes a 3 to 4 days to produce the book and then ship. Update 2020 - Limited International Delivery. Please visit Amazon as well. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Many historical and scriptural findings not included in the Canonical Bible, have now come to light. Access to texts such as the Lost Book of Enoch, the Nag Hamadi Gospels, and the Book of Jubilees,among others is now widely available and, when synthesized and correlated with existing documents like the Bible and Qu'ran, merits rethinking Western civilization's origins and intent. Prepare yourself for a profound belief-challenging journey through ancient Persia, Sumer, Greece, and Atlantis; from Rome to the United States, HQ of the New Atlantis. This book is not like any other in the field: expect the winged-warrior aerial perspective of an Army Attack helicopter pilot, the BS filter of an Electrical Engineer, a Western Medicine-challenging Structural Integrator, and Southern California didgeridoo player all at the same time. Energy and matter, sound entrainment, slave control design methods using the electromagnetic spectrum, eternal life, gravity, and DMT are addressed herein. U.S. public school history ignores the Sumerians, although they are credited with all aspects of modern civilization, influencing both Egypt and Greece alike. Television series produced by the History Channel, like the "Ancient Aliens" Series is assisting the masses in waking up to the fact that the Anunnaki were not a myth, having left physical documents and artifacts backing up their claims to have created mankind, described in highly sophisticated language, as recorded by Atrahasis. It was in South Africa, where the idea was spawned to create a primitive worker, namely mankind, to operate the gold mines, provide temple building manpower, and generally serve every whim the Ancient Astronauts from Nibiru conceived of. Many of the Niburians, referenced in the Biblical Genesis as the Elohim, known to the Sumerians as the Anunnaki, were enthroned as Gods in Mesopotamia. Perhaps it is fitting for Westerners to look into the religious and historical origins for the kings and demigods of Sumer, the first culture to provide evidence of the cuneiform script language, complete with no antecedent. Not only were mundane records, detailed as they were, kept on clay tablets, tens of thousands of which survive to this day, but the history and direct experience accounts of some of the famed inhabitants, like king Gilgamesh of Uruk, introduce us to "Those who from Heaven to Earth Came." The Anunnaki astronauts hailed from a planet, Nibiru, in our own solar system, whose apogee resides in a 3,600 retrograde elliptical orbit beyond Pluto. According to their records, likely using spectroscopy as scientists do today, they located gold on planet Earth. Due to a failing atmosphere on Nibiru, Anu their king, dispatched his preeminent scientist and first-born son, Enki, on a space mission to Earth to recover enough gold that could be ionized in a layer of their atmosphere, as a solar radiation shield Anunnaki gold mines in Africa have been found and carbon dated. Mining operations were occurring at the exact time and location that the "Genetic Eve Study" indicates: Womankind's genetic origins are undeniably linked to Enki's gold mining operation. Egyptian Queen Sheba's mines ring a bell? Michael Tellinger followed the Sumerian account to Africa, locating many of the mines, homes and temples used by the primitive workers and gods, our true ancestors. Additional source material and limited genealogy tables are included in the Bibliography and Appendix for the reader to explore. More exhaustive ones are available by contacting the author. Now consider your place in the unfolding New World Order. Will you choose the Enlilites or Enkiites to affiliate with, or do you have a choice? Enjoy this intellectual read, it is mind-bending, pineal-gland stimulating, and worth it!
Living My Personal Legend: & A Love That Lives OnNearly all of us a have a dream inside of us burning to be fulfilled. We either do what it takes to make it come true or we continue living life, dreaming about it. This book holds the story of a many who fulfilled his dream, not once, not twice but over and over again. A man without fear and with a passion for living. Starting from humble roots where one could choose to stay, Gerald chose to rise up in multiple scenarios living and fulfilling not just one dream, but multiple dreams. This is the autobiography of best-selling Author, Gerald R. Clark who wrote “The Anunnaki of Nibiru” “The 7th Planet, Mercury Rising” and his screen-play “Odyssey Ki.” Gerald fulfilled his dream to fly becoming a helicopter pilot and Chief Warrant Officer II in the US Army, rising against the odds various times to make it so. From the Army he went to college and become a successful Electrical Engineer where he met his first wife and became a father to three beautiful children. He didn’t stop there and went for more training and become a healthcare practitioner in the art of Structural Integration, also known is Rolfing, opening his own practice helping others heal. After a rough divorce he was later led to meet his soul mate where he went on to become a best-selling author writing two books, a screenplay, becoming a well known speaker doing interviews, podcasts, and opening 7th Planet Broadcasting. He taught himself how to animate, wrote and produced The Anunnaki Series working with other like minded souls, and a movie script "Odyssey Ki". He then went on to open his own online school with his wife, Gravity Body Academy and held hands-on training. From his first breath to his last breath Gerald Clark lived an inspirational life. His autobiography is filled with gems to illuminate your path so you can do the same. Gerald shows us that we don't have to live the status quo, and we don't necessarily have to pursue only one path, we can follow our hearts calling and live our own personal legend! This book is not only an autobiography but also has the love story of Gerald and Christa Clark written by his soul mate Christa. A first hand look into their success, trials, tribulations, love for one another and her devastating loss. A widows tale of her own true love filled with insights on how to live your BEST life and keep living even after life throws you a hard curve ball, and to never stop believing that true love, a healthy, pure and inspirational love can exist for you. Quoted from the book: "Once upon a time, a girl met a man, and he helped her blossom into the woman she is today. Two souls destined to meet, to share their path, love, knowledge and with the world. Without his fire her smooth waters wouldn’t have created the waves of change that were required." "I learned while life can be hard, scary and at times full of changes and the unknown. Remember, you have the courage to face it, you’ll make it through to the other side, pass through that finish line, pass through the gate, survive, then hopefully thrive." - Christa Clark "What is interesting is that a person, place, or thing has the potential to change our fated path and become our destiny. Pay attention to what you are paying attention to. Discover why it is interesting to you, for good or bad and then choose wisely. These are the fated forks in the road along our stopping points of life." "You are a cosmic seed from the spawn of the INFINITE SOURCE, the CREATOR OF ALL. The books I have written empower the primitive worker to take the reins of their destiny, activating their hidden ba energetic key that will lead one back to the LIGHT, which is our destined home beyond the Duot, in another dimension and locale, neighbors to the CIRCLE OF LIGHT. Live your dream in this simulator, then let’s meet back at the SOURCE frequency." - Gerald Clark |
Gerald Clark
Best Selling Author of "The Anunnaki of Nibiru: Mankind's Forgotten Creator's, Enslavers, Destroyers, Saviors and Hidden Architects of the New World Order" Archives
January 2025