Finally got my copy of the Odyssey Ki screen play in paperback from the publisher. So excited to have it finalized and available on Amazon as a book and on my website as digital PDF with video links. The book is 151 pages and is full of images in full color. Hope you enjoy some of the reading herein, consider it a bedtime story. Odyssey Ki ScreenplayThe Uribanni race, facing extinction, were masters of technology. Odyssey Ki details their journey to planet Ki, our Earth, some 450,000 years ago. Uribanni scientists created a hybrid race with their DNA mark to serve them...This is our story, the true history of humanity. Odyssey Ki is a full two hour movie based on the screen play Anunnaki Genesis. All the character names were derived from the actual names for the play. Video clips for some of the scenes can be played by clicking the hypertext links below the images. Full-Color 151-page PDF Digital Download with hyperlinked YouTube videos. A full list of the CGI clips are available in my (Gerald Clark) YouTube playlist Odyssey Ki. A GoFundme campaign was established to create the concept story. My dream is to find an investor-partner to take this from concept level to A-list movie for public release as well as a TV series. The Anunnaki of Nibiru Historical Genealogy 2.5' x 6' Vinyl Scroll
The Anunnaki Historical Genealogy Table depicted is based upon years of research and collaboration. After numerous requests, the most up to date and revised version is now available as a 2.5 foot by 6 foot Vinyl Scroll. Thank you for your support, helping to facilitate this research effort. Please note this item may take longer to ship. Thank you Irrespective of what gravity is, we can model its effects on matter including ourselves. In this final episode I share some very deep knowledge about relating the human body to the gravity field such that the concept of being at war with it as John Mayer sings about in his song Gravity comes to an end. DO NOT MISS THIS ONE!!! Watch free for a limited time!
In this episode, an investigation into LIGO, the Laser Interferometer Gravity wave Observation test setup is investigated. The assumptions about what gravity is and how it can be measured expose a great deal about the lack of understanding about what the effect we call gravity is. According to scientists involved with LIGO, gravity is a possible wave that is temporary that is created when two galaxies collide. This is a flawed test from the onset and the folks claiming to have discovered a gravity wave need reprimanding by adults.
This video supplement was created with diagrams for the Final Theory discussion on Gravity in the last Episode. Hope this level of detail helps those that are interested. Roland Michel Tremblay and I discuss "The Final Theory". Roland is an astute student of "The Final Theory" material and is expanding on the book by Mark McCutcheon, to include other 3 added domains in "The New Physics: The Theory of Everything" due out soon. We focus on the comparison between the old physics and understanding atomic expansion theory applied to the four recognized fundamental forces Strong and Weak Nuclear, Electromagnetism, and Gravity. Part 2 of S1E3 is available for premier members, Roland and I get to the bottom of the 4 fundamental forces IAW Expansion Theory, don't miss it!!!
A Facebook member, Ray Kendric, of the 7th Planet Broadcasting Group, asked me to do a piece on religions. Who, where, when and why. The result is a single show unscripted about where I stand today and how I got there. Some key pieces were left out due to time, I recommend listening to the Mauro Biglino interview I did with him about the Vatican knowing that all the Hebrew docs were taken from the Sumer cuneiform tablets and edited specifically for the Jewish people, not the world as happened. Also, for clarification, my research shows that an offspring of Enki plays the savior role with the dying and rising god ritual 3 day winter solstice timing. Ningishzidda-Thoth, Mithra, Horus, all played this role to raise the consciousness of the enslaved primitive workers, with many playing the god/tyrant roles in the records. Also recommend listening to the Anonymous message from Enki also on my channel with a perspective on his son Marduk.
Gerald Clark
Best Selling Author of "The Anunnaki of Nibiru: Mankind's Forgotten Creator's, Enslavers, Destroyers, Saviors and Hidden Architects of the New World Order" Archives
January 2025