A reference was discussed in the last Capricorn Radio Interview in which we discussed the claim by Thoth the Atlantean to have left the destroyed city of Atlantis on the order of his father, Poseidon, to go the the land of the hairy barbarians, the land of Khem (Egypt) to raise them from cave dwellers to the LIGHT.
In the opening history we discussed the fact that Thoth claimed to have built the Giza Pyramid and the Sphinx just before departing to the Halls of Amenti. He stated in the Tablets that he left Atlantis circa 50,000 years ago and ruled Egypt for 16,000 years before departing for his longevity renewal chamber. That means approximately he built the structures about 34-36,000 years ago. It is generally accepted that the body of the Sphinx is a Lion, indicating the Age of Leo which led most researchers to posit that the structures had to be built during that time approximately 10,853 to 8,724 years ago during the last Age of Leo. This does not jive with the author and builder's statement indicating a much older time frame. Thus, I simply put together a Zodiac Wheel that uses the actual house transit times versus the Equivalence model to see if it landed in the Age of Leo and coincided with the claim by Thoth to have built the Sphinx and Giza Pyramid complex closer to 36,000 years ago. Here is the result, I believe Thoth's words are true and going back another full cycle on the Zodiac using the actual transit times through the houses fits perfectly. Take a look focusing on the Age of Leo. I think the evidence (Thoth's claim and the Zodiac shown) contradicts all theories based on only one past cycle, it was two according to the chart I made yesterday. As an engineer, I almost always do the the pencil drawing first and then digitize later. I guess that makes me old school? This is the chart I spoke about on the radio show. James and I are planning our next show for the end of March, as we continue our deep dive into The Seventh Planet Mercury Rising, Chapter 5. Given that I produced a Table connecting the Anunnaki from Nibiru to names given in the Sumerian Culture, Egyptian, and Grecco-Roman God, others ask about other cultures. My research focus has not been in Asia or on the early sea-faring cultures like the Vikings and the Finns. Recently found a segment online that caused me to quickly annotate the Armenian Gods as well as the Viking and Finnish Gods. They are in separate tables and I wanted to share those with you all. TABLE 1: ARYAN GODS TABLE 2: Viking gODS WITH QUESTIONS tABLE 3: FINNISH GODS FROM RESEARCHER As with any cross-cultural attempt at connecting the names of the deities worshiped, there is much room for error. First of all, the beings changed their names intentionally, either to hide their past or to take on a name more fitting for the culture that was chosen for interaction. Additionally there are potential translation errors as well. That said, one needs a place to start connecting the dots, even with the possibility of errors. Combining the namesake with symbols and attributes often acts as invaluable clues to pinning down the Niburian name to the cultural name used in question. Here too, a clever usurper can simply claim or take on the symbols or attributes of another as a deception. I believe this was done many times in history, as well as rewriting family trees to obscure those that were to be written out of history. My next blog will pick back up with the 7th Planet Book Review and Radio shows that I am doing with Capricorn Radio, about to complete chapter 3 and 4. The holographic universe diagrams will become more relevant and be explained so that is is fresh in my mind prior to doing the show on chapter 5, the Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean. Can't wait to do that series of shows with James as I have a surprise for him!!!
Thanks to you for your kind support and want to remind folks of the Chichen Itza conference we are hosting September 18-24th, 2015. Details are on my website. |
Gerald Clark
Best Selling Author of "The Anunnaki of Nibiru: Mankind's Forgotten Creator's, Enslavers, Destroyers, Saviors and Hidden Architects of the New World Order" Archives
January 2025