Gerald Clark was on Coast to Coast AM 8/16/2018. From Coast to Coast:
"Gerald Clark holds an MSEE in Electronic Circuits and Systems, and a BS in Computer Engineering. In the first half, he shared his passion for ancient, pre-biblical history and Zecharia Sitchin's ideas that humans were seeded by the Anunnaki to serve as a slave species and that "gods" or extraterrestrial factions are still warring for power here on Earth. Clark described Sitchin as one of his favorite historians and as he commented, "a fantastic researcher." In the late 19th century, Clark said that many tablets from the Sumerian civilization were translated and revealed accounts of a worldwide flood that matched the Bible account fairly accurately, yet were thousands of years older than the Genesis story. Another recurring theme that Clark discovered though his research was the belief (expressed in both the ancient Mayan calendar, as well as those of other ancient civilizations) that the Earth and solar system periodically pass through a "galactic center," and that at that time they claimed, "human consciousness reached its apex." In other words, some kind of cosmic awareness would sweep over mankind. Clark said that one of his first revelations about ancient history with his background as a Southern Baptist was that the modern Bible is, as he said, "a facsimile" of older accounts of prehistory. His research, says Clark, has "changed my whole paradigm" about pre-biblical history." © Gerald R Clark, 2013-2024
Gerald Clark
Best Selling Author of "The Anunnaki of Nibiru: Mankind's Forgotten Creator's, Enslavers, Destroyers, Saviors and Hidden Architects of the New World Order" Archives
January 2025