Yucatan Symposium - Field Trip - Ascension - Networking & More!
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Full Details & Itinerary - LIMITED SPACES
Join me, Gerald Clark, at the most unique symposium of the year. My aim is to unveil the Anunnaki and Mayan connection, with a focus on who Quetzalcoatl truly is, in one of the most beautiful settings on the planet, the Yucatan, Mexico. I will reveal insight, knowledge and perception of ancient cultures, particularly the Sumerian and Mayan cultures. I will be focusing on the Anunnaki links to the Maya world, energy and matter, ascension, our holographic state of reality and more. The finale of this symposium will be a group meditation and Equinox event of the serpent shadow on the El Castillo pyramid, Chichen Itza Complex, Yucatan, Mexico.
Not to be missed!
Hotel is not included, the choice is yours although my wife and I will be staying at:
where we hope you will join us.
This hotel has it's own free back gate access to the archaeological complex!!! That means no long lines during the equinox!
* Old Chichen Complex or Chichen Viejo is only opened to archaeologists and is located adjacent to Hacienda Chichen private Mayan Jungle Reserve in the south region of Chichen Itza. Many of Old Chichen temples feature the Maya Puuc architectural design. The past ten years, Dr. Merle Greene has dedicated many summers to work recording many of the Mayan stone-carvings in these Mayan temples; a lovely collection of her original "rubbings" can be seen by Hacienda Chichen guests at the hotel's Merle Greene's Museum.
I am looking forward to networking and sharing philosophy. My aim above all is networking with like-minded souls.
Please contact me with any questions: [email protected] or my wife, Christa: [email protected]
Not to be missed!
Hotel is not included, the choice is yours although my wife and I will be staying at:
where we hope you will join us.
This hotel has it's own free back gate access to the archaeological complex!!! That means no long lines during the equinox!
* Old Chichen Complex or Chichen Viejo is only opened to archaeologists and is located adjacent to Hacienda Chichen private Mayan Jungle Reserve in the south region of Chichen Itza. Many of Old Chichen temples feature the Maya Puuc architectural design. The past ten years, Dr. Merle Greene has dedicated many summers to work recording many of the Mayan stone-carvings in these Mayan temples; a lovely collection of her original "rubbings" can be seen by Hacienda Chichen guests at the hotel's Merle Greene's Museum.
I am looking forward to networking and sharing philosophy. My aim above all is networking with like-minded souls.
Please contact me with any questions: [email protected] or my wife, Christa: [email protected]
Below is an itinerary of what you can expect at the upcoming conference! The field trip sites and presentation topics may vary slightly and will be updated accordingly as soon as the changes occur. You can expect to view the historic Chichen Itza grounds and pyramids on field trips as a group on three separate days, including the equinox event. There will be two full days from 9 am - 5 pm where Gerald Clark will be presenting, live and on site!
FIELD TRIP - DAY 1 - SEPT 19, 2015
9 Am - 1 PM
- Great Ball Court is also within the Great North Platform series of Mayan temples in Chichen Itza. It is known as Pok-Ta-Pok in Maya, and El Juego de Pelota in Spanish; there are several smaller Ball Courts in this archaeological site but the Great Ball Court at Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico, is the most impressive and larger in ancient Mesoamerica, measuring 166 X 68 meters in length and two long 12 meter high walls holding the two stone carved ball rings representing the feather serpent. Read here a real good article about the Maya ballgame and its mythological roots.
- The Ossario is a mid-size step-style pyramid within the Ossario Group complex of Mayan temples found just south of El Castillo pyramid series. In the late 1800s Edward H. Thompson excavated the Ossario pyramid and its cave in the late 1800s and found jade, pottery, human bones, and ancient Mayan artifacts.
- Attendees, friends, please meet at the Hacienda Chichen Resort, Reception at 9 AM local time. We will proceed as a group and tour the grounds until 1 PM. The balance of the day is free to be enjoyed as you wish.
FIELD TRIP - DAY 2 - SEPT 20, 2015
9 AM - 1 PM
- The Maya Observatory also known as the Caracol, in the south cluster of Maya temples in Chichen Itza, is an impressive building dedicated to the study of the skies by ancient Maya astronomers, this Maya observatory is linked to the orbit of Venus. El Caracol’s front staircase targets Venus’s most northern position, and the corners of the building align with the sun’s position at the summer solstice sunrise and winter solstice sunset.
- The Observatory temple or El Caracol, as it is called in Spanish, is located at Chichen Itza's Central Temples Group. A fascinating Mayan architectural design, shaped similar to a modern Observatory structure. The central cone building features doors and windows are aligned to various astronomical events and for the observation of the stars and planets movement; Mayan astronomers had a detailed understanding of Venus, the Sun, and the Moon as they traverses the heavens. For detailed information about the Maya Calendar System, Cycles and Facts, please read the article The Maya Calendar System, a brief introduction and facts about the amazing multiple Maya Calendar systems based on the Sun, Moon, Venus, and our Planetary system in relationship with the Cosmos.
- Temple of the Warriors and the Group of the Thousand Columns The archeological expedition and restoration of these building was conducted by the Carnegie Institute from 1925-1928, with Earl H. Morris as one of the key members of the restoration. Chichen Itza's Temple of the Warriors features sculpted feather serpent columns at its top platform framing an impressive sculpture of the Chac Mool used in ancient times as an altar for sacrifices; the temples has an inner chamber covered with painted stucco Mayan frescos (not opened to the public nowadays). The Group of the Thousand Columns connects with the Main Market complex, both part of the Great North Platfom series which has many other Mayan temples and platforms for visitors to enjoy during their visit to Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico.
- Attendees, friends, please meet us at Hacienda Chichen's Private Entrance to the Pyramids at 9 AM Local Time. We will meet from 9 AM to 1 PM, with the balance of the day to yourself.
9 AM - 5 PM
- The Anunnaki of Nibiru connection to Quetzalcoatl and Chichen Itza.
- Calendar long count related to Egyptian Origins.
- Ascension Temple at Giza pyramids built by Thoth the Atlantean, author of The Emerald Tablets.
- Emerald Tablet connection to Mexico's Pyramid of the Sun.
- The 7th Planet, Mercury Rising connection to the Mayans.
- Attendees, friends, please meet us at Hacienda Chichen's Art Gallery at 9 AM Local Time. We will meet from 9 AM to 5 PM. We will have a coffee break together, bathroom breaks and provide enough time for everyone to have lunch on their own and re-engage.
SEPT 22, 2015
Some Maya pyramids were built to reflect astronomical events. It’s no secret that the Maya were advanced astronomers—what’s lesser known is that many great Maya structures, such as El Castillo pyramid at Chichen Itza, reflect astronomical events.
During equinoxes, an undulating shadow called the “serpent” slithers along the side of Kukulcan’s northern staircase. This is caused by the angle of the sun hitting the nine main terraces. Spring Equinox is the most notable Light and Shadow effect along the staircase of this magnificent Maya pyramid.
During equinoxes, an undulating shadow called the “serpent” slithers along the side of Kukulcan’s northern staircase. This is caused by the angle of the sun hitting the nine main terraces. Spring Equinox is the most notable Light and Shadow effect along the staircase of this magnificent Maya pyramid.
- El Castillo dominates the Great North Platform Series; this Mayan temple is in harmony with the Mayan Solar Calendar in its numeric set of steps, platforms, and geometric design. El Castillo Pyramid is a masterpiece of ancient Mayan Cosmovision, the pyramid has a ground plan of square terraces with central stairways decorated with two feather serpents tails up and their heads resting at the ground. Only two of the four sides of Mayan temple have been restored by Mayan archaeologists. the north side of the pyramid is where the amazing "light and shadow" (symbolized by the feather serpents) descends during an equinox sunrise and sunset each year. Yaxkin Spa offers guests a holistic Mayan experience: A Ceremony based on ancient Mayan Cosmovision.
- Attendees, friends, please meet us at Hacienda Chichen's Private Entrance to the Pyramids at 9 AM Local Time. We will meet from 9 AM to 1 PM, with the balance of the day to yourself.
- Las Monjas (Nunnery) is one of the most notable Puuc style Mayan-temple structure at Chichen Itza; Las Monjas complex represents the Terminal Classic buildings constructed in the Puuc architectural fashion within Chichen Itza, similar to the designs found in Kabah, and Uxmal, Yucatan, Mexico. Early explorer August Le Plongeon revealed an older structure within this temple. the Anexo Este building constructed annex to this temple has a highly Chenes Style decorated with many masks of Chac the Rain God and serpents.
- Akab Dzib (Temple of the Obscure Writing) constructed to the east of the Nunnery, showcases Mayan glyphs which gave it is current "yet to be deciphered" name. Trace of original red chac wall paint colors are still observed in this Maya ruin that may be the oldest building at Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico.
Gerald Clark PRESENTATION - DAY 5 - SEPT 23, 2015
9 AM - 5 PM
- Holographic state of reality - models presented.
- Keys to breaking the illusion of matter.
- The Tzolkin Calendar and galactic timing for mankind. (Ascension / Great Year)
- Attendees, friends, please meet us at Hacienda Chichen's Art Gallery at 9 AM Local Time. We will meet from 9 AM to 5 PM. We will have a coffee break together, bathroom breaks and provide enough time for everyone to have lunch on their own and re-engage before our final close to the event!
All travelers need a passport valid for at least six months after the date of entering the country.
Please check with your domestic airline for specifics on the size and weight of your allowed baggage.
Other hotels are available, here is a link that lists prices, reviews and walking distance: http://www.booking.com/city/mx/chichen-itza.en-gb.html
We recommend flying into Cancun, MX and taking a bus to Chichen Itza.
First and second class buses are available mostly every hour from Cancun to Chichen Itza and vice versa. The recommended bus service is: www.ado.com.mx and www.ticketbus.com.mx
Cancellation and Refunds:
Due to high preparation costs, cancellations must be received in writing within 60 days of travel date.
This itinerary is subject to changes in sequence in order to adapt to possible unforeseen circumstances. The content will remain the same, barring any unanticipated complications.
- Roundtrip international airfares
- Tourist Visa – please check your countries arrangements for visas
- Travel & Health Insurance
- Meals not included, as indicated in the itinerary
- Hotel is not included, the choice is yours, although I am staying at: http://www.haciendachichen.com/
All travelers need a passport valid for at least six months after the date of entering the country.
Please check with your domestic airline for specifics on the size and weight of your allowed baggage.
Other hotels are available, here is a link that lists prices, reviews and walking distance: http://www.booking.com/city/mx/chichen-itza.en-gb.html
We recommend flying into Cancun, MX and taking a bus to Chichen Itza.
First and second class buses are available mostly every hour from Cancun to Chichen Itza and vice versa. The recommended bus service is: www.ado.com.mx and www.ticketbus.com.mx
Cancellation and Refunds:
Due to high preparation costs, cancellations must be received in writing within 60 days of travel date.
This itinerary is subject to changes in sequence in order to adapt to possible unforeseen circumstances. The content will remain the same, barring any unanticipated complications.